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This test will help you determine your skin type

Consists of 4 parts, each with key questions to determine which factors determine your skin condition and to what extent.


Oily or dry

At this stage, we will correctly determine the degree of oiliness and moisture content of your skin.


Sensitive or resistant

We'll find out if your skin is prone to acne, redness, and irritation, which are signs of sensitive skin.


Pigmented or nonpigmented

We measure your skin's tendency to develop dark spots, freckles, and post-acne.


Wrinkle-prone or firm skin

Determine your skin's tendency to form wrinkles and tendency to remain firm.


The result

With this result, you can write to us for a consultation. Our specialists will be happy to help you choose the most effective products for your care so that you can get the best results.


Oily or dry

At this stage, we will correctly determine the degree of oiliness and moisture content of your skin.

  1. 1. After washing with water, do not use a cream, toner, serum or other product. After two or three hours, look in a mirror under bright light. Your forehead and cheeks look, or feel:

  2. 2. Your face looks shiny in the photos:

  3. 3. Two or three hours after applying foundation, but without powder, your makeup looks like this:

  4. 4. In low humidity environments, if you don't use a cream, your skin on your face:

  5. 5. Look in a magnified mirror. How many large pores do you have, the size of a needle tip or larger?

  6. 6. How would you characterize your skin?

  7. 7. If you use a soap that produces a lush lather, the skin on your face:

  8. 8. If you don't moisturize your face, it feels tight:

  9. 9. You have clogged pores (blackheads, comedones)

  10. 10. Your face is oily only in the T-zone (forehead and nose):

  11. 11. Two or three hours after applying the cream, your cheeks:

Результат этого шага:

Sensitive or resistant skin

Find out about your skin's tendency to break out in acne, redness, and irritation, which are signs of sensitive skin.

  1. 1. You have rashes on your face:

  2. 2. Care products (including cleanser, cream, toner, makeup) cause you to experience redness, rashes, or irritation:

  3. 3. Have you ever been diagnosed with acne (acne) or rosacea (rosacea)?

  4. 4. If you wear jewelry that is not 14-carat gold, how often do you get a rash?

  5. 5. Do sunscreens cause itching, irritation, rashes or redness?

  6. 6. Have you ever been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, eczema, contact dermatitis (or allergic rash)?

  7. 7. How often do you get a rash underneath your rings?

  8. 8. A scented bubble bath, massage oil, or body lotion causes you to experience itching, rashes, redness, or a severe feeling of dryness:

  9. 9. Can you use soap from hotels (other public places) on your body or face without any problems?

  10. 10. Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, eczema, asthma, and/or allergies?

  11. 11. What happens if you use strongly scented laundry detergent and/or fabric softener?

  12. 12. How often does your face or neck become red after moderate exertion and/or stress or strong emotions, such as anger?

  13. 13. How often do you blush instantly after drinking alcohol?

  14. 14. How often do you instantly turn red from spicy or hot food or drinks?

  15. 15. How many visible red or blue blood vessels or spider veins do you have on your face and nose (if you had a correction, please indicate the condition before it)?

  16. 16. Does your face look red in the photo?

  17. 17. People ask you if you have sunburned when you have not:

  18. 18. Have you ever experienced redness, irritation, or swelling from makeup, sunscreen, or care products?

  19. 19. Has your dermatologist diagnosed you with acne (acne), rosacea, contact dermatitis, or eczema?

  20. 20. Has a general practitioner diagnosed you with acne, rosacea, contact dermatitis, or eczema?

Результат этого шага:

Pigmented or nonpigmented

We measure your skin's tendency to form dark spots, freckles, and post-acne on the skin.

  1. 1. Does a pimple or ingrown hair leave a dark spot?

  2. 2. After you cut yourself, how long does a brown (not pink) mark remain on your skin?

  3. 3. How many dark spots did you develop on your face when you were pregnant, on birth control pills, or taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

  4. 4. Do you have any dark spots or patches on your upper lip or cheeks? Or have you had any in the past that you have had removed by IPL?

  5. 5. Do your age spots get darker when you sunbathe?

  6. 6. Have you ever been diagnosed with melasma (meaning a diagnosis by a cosmetologist, dermatologist), light, dark or gray spots on your face?

  7. 7. Do you have, or have you ever had, small spots (freckles or sun spots) on your face, chest, back, or arms?

  8. 8. When exposed to sun for the first time in several months, your skin:

  9. 9. If you happen to be constantly under the sun for many days:

  10. 10. When you go in the sun, do you develop freckles (small 1-2 mm, pinpoint-sized flat spots)?

  11. 11. Did either of your parents have freckles? If so, please indicate how many. If neither or one parent did, respond to the question. If both did, answer the question based on the parent with the most freckles.

  12. 12. What is your natural hair color? (If gray or white, state color before graying)

  13. 13. Have you or any of your blood relatives ever had melanoma?

  14. 14. Do you have dark spots on your skin in areas of sun exposure?

Результат этого шага:

Wrinkle-prone or firm skin

Determine the tendency to form wrinkles and the tendency to remain elastic.

  1. 1. Do you have wrinkles on your face?

  2. When answering questions 2-7, please answer by comparing yourself and your family members to all other ethnic groups, not just your own. For family members you don't know, ask other family members to tell you about them, or show you a photo if possible.

  3. 2. How old does your mother's skin look (or used to look)?

  4. 3. How old does your father's skin look (looked)?

  5. 4. How old does your maternal grandmother's skin look (used to look)?

  6. 5. How old does your maternal grandfather's skin look (did look)?

  7. 6. How old does your paternal grandmother's skin look (used to look)?

  8. 7. How old does your paternal grandfather's skin look?

  9. 8. During your lifetime, have you ever sunbathed on a regular basis for more than two weeks a year? If yes, how many total years have you done this? Please include tanning from playing tennis, fishing, golf, skiing, or other outdoor activities. The beach is not the only place to get a tan.

  10. 9. At any time in your life, have you ever engaged in seasonal tanning of two weeks per year or less? (Yes, summer vacation counts!) If so, how often?

  11. 10. Based on places you've lived, how much daily sun exposure have you received in your life?

  12. 11. How old do you think you look?

  13. 12. During the last five years, how often have you allowed your skin to tan intentionally or unintentionally through outdoor sports or other activities?

  14. 13. How often, if ever, have you been to a tanning bed?

  15. 14. Over your entire life, how many cigarettes have you smoked (or been exposed to)?

  16. 15. Please describe the level of air pollution in the place where you live

  17. 16. Please indicate how long you have been using face creams with retinoids (retinol, retinal, adapalene, etc.):

  18. 17. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables now?

  19. 18. Over your lifetime, what percentage of your daily diet has consisted of fruits and vegetables? (Note: don't count juices unless they are freshly squeezed)

  20. 19. What is your natural skin color (no tan or self-tanner)?

  21. 20. What is your ethnicity?

  22. 21. Are you over 65 years old?

Результат этого шага:


With this result, you can write to us for a consultation. Our experts will be happy to help you choose the most effective products for your care so that you can get the best results.

Skin type
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